Why You Need to Find Your Anchor Point and Keep It

The anchor point when it comes to any type of bow shooting has a tremendous
effect on everything to do with shooting the bow.

What is the anchor point?

When drawing your bow and pulling the bowstring back, you will come to
notice that it comes close to your face. It will feel scary at first but in
archery sense, it is a good thing and proof that you are in good archery form.

The definition of the anchor point is that spot on your face that your
bowstrings hand or the bowstring will touch/should touch when you are at a
full draw.

The anchor point is the most important single spot that you will
consistently draw and that will enable your accuracy to be consistent.
Without the anchor point, it will be impossible to consistently hit your

Anchor Point and Recurve Bows

As a beginner with the recurve bow and a sight, your anchor point should be
at the corner of your mouth. Another explanation, when at full draw, your
index finger on the draw hand should touch the corner of your mouth. This
one of the best anchor spots for beginners because it is easier to
remember and easy to reach in every single shot.

When watching competitions or even the Olympics, you will notice that most
of the archers using the under the jaw anchor. This is because this kind of
anchor gives the competitors more points of reference because they can feel
their hand underneath their chin. The string is also at the same spot on
their lips and the string on their nose.

Due to continued practice, the archers have built up a sense of memory of
where the bow should exactly be and draw the arrow at exactly the same
location with each and every shot. This translates to more accuracy and
consistency in shooting.

Under jaw, the anchor point is for more experienced and advanced archers hence
as a beginner, you need to focus on your anchor being at the corner of your

Anchor Point and Compound Bows

If you are shooting using a compound bow, you are most likely to be using a
release aid. As a result of using the release aid, your anchor point will
not be at the corner of your mouth but rather a spot of your choice but you
will need to develop a sense of the anchor spot.

Most compound bow users put a “kisser button” onto the bowstring so as to
help them out. This button is a little item that looks like a bead and when
the archer is at full draw, the button will connect to the side of the
mouth as an alternative way to secure an anchor point.

Consistency is Key

If you are struggling to find your anchor point consistently, the problem
might be your equipment. This could be either you have grown or you are
using a bow that is either too big or too small for you. If you are using a
peep sight, you might need to raise it or lower its height so as to ensure
a rather very solid and consistent anchor point.

If the peep sight is sitting at either too high or too low on the string, it
can force you into a rather weird holding position and hence inconsistent

Points to Remember

When it comes to the archer, detail is everything. Hence, kindly note the
following in regards to anchor point:

· It is okay to not feel okay about having the string too close to your
face. It will definitely feel uncomfortable and a bit scary at first but
with the time that passes.

· Always keep your head in the same position every time you are doing a
draw. Your neck will need to be relaxed as well. When doing a different
draw ensure the neck and head move only half an inch forward to backward.

· When drawing, trying not to search for your anchor point by bringing the
string. Alternatively, you need to feel your anchor point at full draw.

· Always keep your teeth together and do not chew because any movement will
change your anchor point.

· There is no particular anchor point that is correct. Different archers
have different archery styles and hence they will use different anchor

When it comes to your anchor point, it boils down to your preference.
Always ensure that you can see your target clearly when you start aiming.
Let’s get you anchor on at any of our training grounds.